“I found a role that aligned with my ambitions.”

Daniela Richter wanted to be intentional about her next career step. She wanted to be proactive in developing a position that was aligned with her, interests and family life. She was looking for a coach to support her in doing that and supporting her during stressful periods to not lose direction.

Daniela re-counts her coaching journey in her own words:

” Simone has been incredibly supportive in steering my personal development. I started off the year in high-achiever mode: I was overcommitted at work, exceeding highly ambitious KPIs yet I didn’t feel energised or satisfied with the results. So much so that even during off-time, I’d spend most of my mental energy on work related issues. I could hardly recharge or focus on the precious life that existed outside that performance bubble.

I contacted Simone on LinkedIn and we set up an introductory call. It was all smooth from there. We settled on biweekly sessions and a daily mental fitness programme. 

Simone has this amazing gift in making you embrace transformational changes in a light and natural way. Over the course of six months, she guided me to rediscover my authentic self – my beautiful childhood self and my wiser elder self. 

This inspirational journey helped me reset my compass. As a family, we had lived apart for many years including during COVID. I knew that being together was the best for all of us. But I didn’t know how to align my personal aspirations with my career. Luckily, my work contract was about to end. With the help of Simone, I was able to see this situation as a gift – I opened my mind to new opportunities. I decided that I’d move with the children to the country we considered home so that we could live as a family. Alongside, I negotiated for job offers where I could work from our home location and travel to project sites. 

Implementing this decision was challenging: saying goodbye to a place where we had lived for three years, packing up and navigating a new environment. Simone was there throughout reassuring, calming and joyful. I am still amazed how everything that I had formulated as expectations in the beginning came to be as we moved from one coaching session to the next.

There have been many breakthroughs for me on this journey. The most important one: to accept myself unconditionally and find my inner peace. Every day I’m learning to surf through life instead of trying to control it.

My husband, children and I will be forever grateful to Simone for her guidance, courage, and love.

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“I feel more centred and confident.”


Podcast: When to seek a mentor vs a coach?