Career Sparks

A free, monthly career Q&A for international professionals in impact.

Whether it’s a live, concrete issue or the inkling of a thought for a career transition ..

What if one brief conversation could provide a valuable independent (but expert) perspective, give you fresh new ideas or help you shift your thinking towards alternatives that light you up?

Join me on the first Thursday of the month for a free, 60-min call to get your questions answered.

This call is best for people, who

  • Feel burned out and unfulfilled in their current role but can’t see an alternative; or

  • Been thinking of a career transition, pivot or change in direction but can’t get started; or

  • Have ideas or a dream, but stand in their own way of making it happen.

Join me for a conversation ..

… where I’ll listen to your challenge in an informal, but confidential space.

… that gets to the heart of the matter - in a solution-oriented way.

… that (without promising a solution) can help you make progress in a short time. Whether that is a change in perspective, a question to ponder, a resource or a motivation boost.

Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. People tell me these conversations really work.

The call will take place on the first Thursday of the month.

Check my Calendly page for dates & times.

Register to get the dial-in link. Make sure to check your spam folder for the invite.

How will it work?

  • Sign up to get your dial-in link to join the call.

  • Calls won't be recorded to protect confidentiality.

  • First come, first serve. I’ll do my best to get to everyone (depends on how many show up).

  • No obligation to attend all calls. Attend one call or more. You choose.

  • No obligation to stay for the full hour. Call off after your question is answered, or stay and learn from others.

  • Turn video on or leave audio only - both are fine.

  • This will not be a sales conversation to sell you my services.

Before you sign up, three important things:

  • Calls won't be recorded. Attend live to ask your questions.

  • I might anonymously use ideas from the Q&A in my content. By signing up, you're ok with that.

  • I'll add you to my bi-monthly "Fresh Trails" email list. Unsubscribe anytime.

P.S: What am I getting out of this? Well, for one I love hosting events, and this new format gives me a a chance to do what I love - engage with people, offer a fresh insight and see those "aha" moments. And if the call was of help, I’d love to get feedback and a review.

Join my e-mail list to keep informed about upcoming events

Besides keeping you informed about new dates for the monthly Q&A, I also host workshops and webinars. Join my e-mail list to be in the know.