“I feel more centred and confident.”

Carol Tojiero was looking to advance her career within a large international organisation. She loved her job, her team and the work she did. Over the years, she has taken on more and more responsibilities. She looked at the growth opportunities before her but struggled to navigate the space effectively.

She started coaching to strategise her professional journey and create a plan that aligns with her aspirations. Through coaching, Carol gained clarity, confidence, and a clear strategy to navigate her next professional step.

Click the video below to hear Carol describe her achievements.

Written transcript below the video.


What brought you to coaching?

I wanted to take hold of my career and be able to make decisions and not let them unfold by itself and be able to take actionable decisions that were based on my interests and professional growth. 

I wanted to be a bit more intentional about my next steps and so I decided to approach coaching to see what I could learn and how I could take charge of my career and make decisions in a way that’s more thoughtful going forward.

How do you feel about things now, at the end of your journey?

Before getting involved, I was just swimming in a pool of ideas and the different scenarios I could pursue.

And after having this coaching, it allowed me to be more clear, like have my mind be more clear and have a better idea of what is actually feasible. Not only feasible but what also aligns with my interests and values and would make for myself be considered like good decisions. 

So it really allowed me to have a better understanding and be able to get out of that swimming pool and have fewer ideas but those that align better with my next steps.

Now I think I’m a lot more narrow and selective of which ones I should pursue based on my next steps and own personal alignment.

How was it working with me?

I’m confident I can say that the number one thing about working together with you was to find another professional who also understands the nuances of working in international organisations. 

It allowed me to feel more connected and sense that you had an understanding of where I was coming from. 

That way, you were able to provide more tailored solutions and advice based on the context of my professional landscape. 

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“I took charge of what I wanted to do”


“I found a role that aligned with my ambitions.”