“I declined the offer, because I know what I want now.”

"I was insecure. I had no confidence and was afraid of the future." - Katerina

Katerina* worked for a multilateral organisation in Greece on human rights. After three years in the same job and team, she was ready to find a new role that matched her work experience and her recently finished master's degree.

The problem: Within her organisation, the bureaucracy meant no clear transition paths into new roles. Outside her organisation, she struggled to stand out in the competitive and small Greek human rights job market.

She tried hard and applied for job vacancies, but all her applications were rejected. As time progressed, she hit a low in confidence. Despite her three academic degrees and substantial experience in her field, Katerina started to feel insecure about her experience. She realised she needed new input to keep motivated in her job hunt. That's when she sought coaching.

"I felt not good enough as I could not change the situation at work. Even though I had many years of experience and qualifications, I was lost and needed guidance." – Katerina

In coaching, we

  • Clarified exactly the target roles she was looking for;

  • Re-designed her CV and cover letter to boost her achievements, strengths and transferable skills;

  • Mapped out a networking and positioning strategy to expand her professional network within and outside her organisation;

  • Set a framework to prepare and reflect on each job interview to build confidence and authority.

"My perspective, preparation, and whole view started changing through coaching with Simone. I realised I didn't want to change my job, but find something better. I started networking, and I focused more on what I wanted." - Katerina

Within a month, Katerina got three interviews. She even got a job offer, which she declined as it didn't match her dream job. She continues to build her network and apply for suitable roles. Rather than getting discouraged after a rejection or a job interview, she uses it to improve her process and actions. Katerina is calm and confident about her career direction.

"I'm confident. Through coaching, I faced my fears as a professional. As a person, I evolved. Right now, I can say that decisions are about me and what I want. I firmly believe the right opportunity will come at the right time. I'm calm and sure now." - Katerina

Katerina faced a hit in confidence at a point where she needed to be at her best. She recognised that she needed external, objective support and a strategy refinement. She now has the tools to position herself for a role in her field.

Katerina took part in my Your Next Chapter coaching journey. This journey uses my 4-part framework to support global professionals in international development, humanitarian and social impact in getting clear on what they want next while building the inner skills to make it happen.

*Book your free 45 min discovery call to discuss your career challenge. We'll identify your biggest challenge, what overcoming this might look like and if we're a fit for each other.*

*name changed.

Simone Anzböck

I offer career coaching for global professionals in the international development, humanitarian, and social impact sectors. I support you in designing a working life you love and coach you to make it possible.


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