Articles, videos and more
Free resources to support professionals in social impact to design purposeful and fulfilling international careers.
Podcast: Is changing careers in mid-life different?
Is changing careers in mid-life different than in your early career? Listen to this 30 min podcast interview to find out.
Podcast: When to seek a mentor vs a coach?
In my discussion with the Impact Consulting Hub, I reflected on my freelance work and how the coaching work I do now all unfolded while handling a triple transition.
Podcast: The importance of anchor points when you relocate
In my chat with House of Peregrine founder Mickelle Weber, we talked about my crisis of identity in Myanmar, which led me to building my own coaching practice.
Podcast: How Human Design helped me navigate my career transition
In my interview on the podcast Career & Spirituality, I talked about how spirituality shows up in my life. And how a tool called Human Design helped me navigate the transition from full-time employment to self-employment.
Podcast: Why do we have FOMO and FOBO?
On the podcast Anti-Loneliness, we discussed international life, relocation, and mental health. It was a short-lived conversation with so many angles.
Podcast: Can Do Coffee Chat with Gail Gibson
The importance of openness, curiosity and adventure in leading into a successful international life were the topics of my interview on “The Can Do Way” podcast.