How to find more fulfilment at work with an energy-time audit

Do you ever feel like your job has gradually evolved into something quite different from what you initially signed up for?

If so, you're not alone.

Job responsibilities commonly shift over time, sometimes leading to dissatisfaction or misalignment with your career goals.


If you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current role, an energy-time audit can be a powerful tool to help you regain clarity and control. This exercise allows you to identify which work activities energize and drain you, empowering you to make informed decisions about your career path.


What is an energy-time audit?

An energy-time audit is a simple yet effective way to assess your work satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. The process involves categorizing your work activities based on two key factors:

  • Time: How much time do you dedicate to each activity?

  • Energy: Does the activity leave you feeling energized or depleted?

Plotting these activities on a 2x2 quadrant gives you a visual representation of where your time and energy are being invested. This allows you to pinpoint areas where you can make changes to improve your overall job satisfaction and well-being.


The four quadrants of an energy-time audit


** Burnout quadrant **

Activities in this quadrant are both time-consuming and energy-draining.

These are the tasks that can lead to burnout if not addressed.

If possible, consider delegating or restructuring these responsibilities.

If they are a core part of your role and cannot be changed, it might be time to explore a different job that better aligns with your strengths and interests. Contact me to discuss how I can help.


** Authenticity quadrant **

This quadrant represents your sweet spot – activities you enjoy and spend a significant amount of time doing.

These tasks likely align with your skills and passions.

Focus on maximizing your time in this quadrant for greater job satisfaction. 


** Hidden Potential quadrant **

Activities here are energizing but don't occupy much of your time. These tasks might represent untapped opportunities for growth and development.

Consider how you can incorporate more of them into your daily work. 


** Delegation quadrant **

Tasks in this quadrant are neither energizing nor time-consuming. While they might not significantly impact your well-being, they still occupy valuable time.

Delegate these tasks whenever possible to free up space for more meaningful work. 


Taking action after your energy-time audit

Once you've completed your energy-time audit, it's time to take action. Here are some strategies to optimize your work life:

  • Minimize burnout: Delegate or eliminate tasks from the burnout quadrant whenever possible. If you can't change the tasks, adjust your mindset or approach.

  • Maximize authenticity: Seek opportunities to do more of what you love. Talk to your manager about aligning your responsibilities with your strengths and interests.

  • Explore your hidden potential: Gradually increase your involvement in activities from the hidden potential quadrant. This could involve taking on new projects or responsibilities.

  • Delegate strategically: Identify tasks from the delegation quadrant that can be assigned to others. This will free up your time for more high-impact activities.

Regularly reassess your work situation

Remember that your energy-time audit is not a one-time event. Your job responsibilities and personal preferences can change over time.

It's a good practice to reassess your work situation periodically, perhaps every six months or annually, to ensure your career aligns with your evolving goals and aspirations.

And if you find that you have too many activities in the burnout quadrant, and you sense it's time for a career change, contact me to discuss how coaching can help you.


By doing an energy-time audit, you can gain valuable insights into your work life and make strategic adjustments to enhance your job satisfaction and overall well-being.

Simone Anzböck

I offer career coaching for global professionals in the international development, humanitarian, and social impact sectors. I support you in designing a working life you love and coach you to make it possible.


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